Building a better future with the UN Global Compact
As a signatory of the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC), we support the UN’s 10 Principles and 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Since 2017, we have pledged to continually improve their integration into our business strategy, culture, and daily operations.

About the UNGC and SDGs
The UN Global Compact is the world’s largest corporate sustainability initiative. Recognizing that fundamental change cannot happen without the support of companies, it calls on organizations to align their strategies and operations with ten universal principles in human rights, labor, environment, and anti-corruption, and to support the UN’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Our commitment to the UNGC and SDGs
As a natural continuation of our mission to create a better and healthier world, we first pledged our support to the UNGC in 2017 and have renewed that commitment every year since. Recognizing the interconnected nature of the SDGs and that it is not possible to focus on all 17 goals effectively, we identified six priority SDGs based on two key criteria:
- In which SDGs are our company’s operations and value chain potentially harming people and the environment?
- Which SDGs can our company best support through our operations, services, and investments, aligned with core business practices?

Our Communication on Progress (COP)
Every year, we report on our sustainability initiatives and the progress we have made against the UN’s principles and SDGs. For full details, please visit the Materialise page on the UN Global Compact site and download our latest Sustainability Report/COP.
Explore our other focus areas
Our aim is to meet the needs of the present without compromising the needs of future generations. As well as our commitment to the UNGC and SDGs, we also focus on the following areas:
Comprometidos con la mejora de nuestras operaciones y el empoderamiento de nuestros clientes, nos esforzamos por innovar y reducir los residuos, gestionar nuestro impacto medioambiental y lograr las emisiones netas de carbono cero.
Reconocemos el importante papel que desempeñamos, tanto para nuestros trabajadores como para las comunidades que nos rodean, y nos comprometemos a ayudar a crear una sociedad más justa, inclusiva y saludable.
Creemos que forjar colaboraciones sólidas y mutuamente beneficiosas es fundamental para marcar una diferencia significativa y lograr nuestros objetivos de sostenibilidad.
Al utilizar la empresa como una fuerza para el bien, aspiramos a garantizar un impacto positivo para todas nuestras partes interesadas. Descubra nuestro impacto financiero y los resultados en nuestro sitio web de relaciones con los inversores.
Como firmante del Pacto Mundial de las Naciones Unidas, nos hemos comprometido a mejorar continuamente la integración de los principios de la ONU y los Objetivos de desarrollo sostenible en nuestra estrategia empresarial, cultura y operaciones diarias.