Restoring the health of our planet, together
The world is facing critical challenges connected to climate change. Protecting the planet is our responsibility and a necessity. Seeking opportunities in every corner of our business and new ways to empower our customers, we will rethink and reduce, cut our carbon footprint by 55% by 2029, and manage our environmental impact.

Cutting our carbon footprint
Businesses must play a major role in combatting climate change. Materialise is determined to lead the way in the 3D printing industry. In 2024, our near-term science-based targets were approved, and by 2029, we will cut our 20,160* tonnes of 2019 greenhouse gas emissions from our worldwide operations by 55%.

Rethinking and reducing
By rethinking our production and consumption habits, we can minimize waste in all its forms – time, energy, material – and increase reusing and recycling. By 2025, our production waste as compared to output will be less than 5%, and by 2030, of the products we print, 98% will be recyclable. Our overall goal is to streamline our own processes and through dynamic collaboration and innovation, support our customers to do the same.

Optimizing production processes
Guided by our extensive experience in AM process control, we enable our customers to optimize their production processes. Innovations like our AM technology and material that allows us to utilize more re-used powder than ever before, and our Quality and Process Control software help eliminate waste in the 3D printing process.
Alongside our partners at Arkema, we are extending the life cycle of polyamide powder by turning unsalvageable waste powder into pellets for use in injection molding.

Focusing on sustainable projects
Our commitment to reducing our CO2 footprint leads us to other sustainability projects worldwide. We’re supporting the restoration of peatlands in Ukraine — vegetation that can store seven times as much CO2 as forests and promote biodiversity — and we're exploring more peat restoration projects in countries like Malaysia and Colombia.

Performing life cycle assessments
We carry out life cycle assessments (LCAs) to help us understand the environmental impact through all stages of a product’s life. They’re key to identifying the best practices and opportunities for innovation.
Thanks to lower inventory costs, shorter lead times, reduced energy consumption, and less manual labor, we found that selective laser sintering (SLS) is the ideal technology for mass-customized eyewear. Additionally, we found that 3D printing is more advantageous when producing smaller or customized series, particularly for midsoles.
Reusing and recycling
We’re reducing our environmental footprint for all our products with low-impact, high-protection packaging. Our goal is to minimize waste, limit the use of non-renewable resources, and encourage responsible disposal practices.

Three-tiered approach

Reducing will come through a focus on the largest contributors to our footprint, Scope 3 and Scope 2 emissions (GHG Protocol), and new initiatives including a carbon budget, sustainable travel policy, and conversion to green energy.
Continued research and innovations such as our Bluesint PA12 will support these changes.
Any remaining carbon emissions will be offset in a way that sustainably supports the communities in which we do business.

Managing our environmental impact
Through our Environmental Policy and our ISO 14001:2015 certificate, we have made an official commitment to protect the environment and to comply with European environmental legislation, regulations, and customer-specific requirements in all of our operations, processes, and services.

Explore our other focus areas
Our aim is to meet the needs of the present without compromising the needs of future generations. As well as working to restore the health of our planet, we also focus on the following areas:
Reconocemos el importante papel que desempeñamos, tanto para nuestros trabajadores como para las comunidades que nos rodean, y nos comprometemos a ayudar a crear una sociedad más justa, inclusiva y saludable.
Creemos que forjar colaboraciones sólidas y mutuamente beneficiosas es fundamental para marcar una diferencia significativa y lograr nuestros objetivos de sostenibilidad.
Al utilizar la empresa como una fuerza para el bien, aspiramos a garantizar un impacto positivo para todas nuestras partes interesadas. Descubra nuestro impacto financiero y los resultados en nuestro sitio web de relaciones con los inversores.
Nuestra investigación sobre el impacto global de la impresión 3D aporta información muy valiosa, y contamos con políticas para garantizar que la sostenibilidad esté firmemente integrada en todo lo que hacemos.
Como firmante del Pacto Mundial de las Naciones Unidas, nos hemos comprometido a mejorar continuamente la integración de los principios de la ONU y los Objetivos de desarrollo sostenible en nuestra estrategia empresarial, cultura y operaciones diarias.