Together towards a just, inclusive, and healthy society
We recognize the important role we play, both for our workers and for the communities around us. We are committed to helping create a more just, inclusive, and healthy society, and empowering meaningful change by sharing our know-how, technology, and resources.

Passion for personalization
At Materialise, we have a deep understanding of healthcare systems. And as a pioneer and world leader in personalized medical devices, we also understand the impact of surgical guides and implants that accurately fit a patient’s anatomy. With our knowledge and our passion for personalization, we aim to provide support via a focus on:
- enabling surgeons to ‘get it right the first time’
- helping patients with challenging clinical conditions who have no other options
- providing solutions for lower-income populations
For full details, please visit the Supporting Healthcare section of our latest Sustainability Report.
By collaborating with our partners and exploring new meaningful applications, we have also been able to help even more people live better, healthier lives through the creation of personalized hearing aids, eyewear, and orthotics, taking the benefits of 3D printing one step further.

Providing support in times of crisis
During the COVID-19 pandemic, we leveraged the benefits of 3D printing to rapidly develop new solutions to keep people safe and protected. From PPE and critical medical devices to our freely downloadable design for a hands-free door opener, we were able to help communities across the globe.

Putting our people first
Our ability to provide innovative solutions and applications relies on the talented people within our global organization. Our success comes from our people, and our goal is to ensure a work environment where all employees feel safe and healthy, empowered to grow and thrive.
To effectively support our employees worldwide, the Materialise HR strategy is based on safe and healthy office and production facilities; employment policies to support diversity, inclusion, and equality; employee training and development; and wellness and lifestyle support.
Want to make a positive impact?

Sustainable supply chain policy
The Materialise Supply Chain Policy fosters sustainable procurement and supports the values that shape and drive us as a company: innovation, integrity, quality, co-creation, and people. It outlines what we require of our suppliers in terms of accountability, ethical behavior, human rights, the environment, and sustainability management. We review and update our supply chain policy yearly, as required.
Select and download policy (PDF):
Explore our other focus areas
Our aim is to meet the needs of the present without compromising the needs of future generations. As well as working towards a just, inclusive, and healthy society, we also focus on the following areas:
Comprometidos con la mejora de nuestras operaciones y el empoderamiento de nuestros clientes, nos esforzamos por innovar y reducir los residuos, gestionar nuestro impacto medioambiental y lograr las emisiones netas de carbono cero.
Creemos que forjar colaboraciones sólidas y mutuamente beneficiosas es fundamental para marcar una diferencia significativa y lograr nuestros objetivos de sostenibilidad.
Al utilizar la empresa como una fuerza para el bien, aspiramos a garantizar un impacto positivo para todas nuestras partes interesadas. Descubra nuestro impacto financiero y los resultados en nuestro sitio web de relaciones con los inversores.
Nuestra investigación sobre el impacto global de la impresión 3D aporta información muy valiosa, y contamos con políticas para garantizar que la sostenibilidad esté firmemente integrada en todo lo que hacemos.
Como firmante del Pacto Mundial de las Naciones Unidas, nos hemos comprometido a mejorar continuamente la integración de los principios de la ONU y los Objetivos de desarrollo sostenible en nuestra estrategia empresarial, cultura y operaciones diarias.