Reports and Policies
Forging the Future of 3D Printing
We believe it’s essential to be transparent about our goals, targets, policies, and emissions to demonstrate additive manufacturing’s (AM’s) capabilities and increase its adoption rate. Our aim is to ensure sustainability is firmly embedded in everything we do. And we’ll continue proactively informing our customers, partners, and suppliers about how we’ll achieve our aims via our website.

Managing our environmental impact
Through our Environmental Policy and our ISO 14001:2015 certificate, we have made an official commitment to protect the environment and to comply with European environmental legislation, regulations, and customer-specific requirements in all of our operations, processes, and services.

Sustainable supply chain policy
The Materialise Supply Chain Policy fosters sustainable procurement and supports the values that shape and drive us as a company: innovation, integrity, quality, co-creation, and people. It outlines what we require of our suppliers in terms of accountability, ethical behavior, human rights, the environment, and sustainability management. We review and update our supply chain policy yearly, as required.
Select and download policy (PDF):

Conflict minerals policy
Materialise is conscious that a limited number of its products may contain tin, tantalum, tungsten, or gold. Products containing one or more of these elements include consumer products printed through our i.materialise online 3D printing services.
Materialise ensures that such products do not contain conflict minerals sourced from mines that support or fund conflict within the Democratic Republic of Congo or adjoining countries.
Therefore, it is our policy:
- Not to purchase products and materials containing conflict minerals directly from mines or smelters.
- To undertake due diligence to ensure our suppliers have the same commitment to their products and supply chains.
- To give preference to suppliers that guarantee their products to be free of conflict minerals.
Explore our other focus areas
Our aim is to meet the needs of the present without compromising the needs of future generations. As well as ensuring transparency in everything we do, we also focus on the following areas:
Comprometidos con la mejora de nuestras operaciones y el empoderamiento de nuestros clientes, nos esforzamos por innovar y reducir los residuos, gestionar nuestro impacto medioambiental y lograr las emisiones netas de carbono cero.
Reconocemos el importante papel que desempeñamos, tanto para nuestros trabajadores como para las comunidades que nos rodean, y nos comprometemos a ayudar a crear una sociedad más justa, inclusiva y saludable.
Creemos que forjar colaboraciones sólidas y mutuamente beneficiosas es fundamental para marcar una diferencia significativa y lograr nuestros objetivos de sostenibilidad.
Al utilizar la empresa como una fuerza para el bien, aspiramos a garantizar un impacto positivo para todas nuestras partes interesadas. Descubra nuestro impacto financiero y los resultados en nuestro sitio web de relaciones con los inversores.
Como firmante del Pacto Mundial de las Naciones Unidas, nos hemos comprometido a mejorar continuamente la integración de los principios de la ONU y los Objetivos de desarrollo sostenible en nuestra estrategia empresarial, cultura y operaciones diarias.