More Compact, Less Complex: Metrohm Applikon Reimagines High-Precision Analysis Instruments with Metal 3D Printing

Discover how Metrohm Applikon took full advantage of metal 3D printing’s design freedom to deliver consistent quality while reducing material costs and production, post-processing, and assembly time.
As one of the most trusted manufacturers of high-precision analysis instruments, Metrohm Applikon provides unique systems to a range of industries all over the world. Whether those facilities produce denim jeans or smartphones, semiconductors or medicine, Metrohm Applikon’s instruments help manufacturers maintain control of their processes 24/7, 365 days a year.
Understandably, that means every system comes with some stringent requirements.
“Robustness is essential to limiting downtime, and we need to have that under control," explains Head of Engineering Dirk van den Brand. "If we have to stop a system that's installed in a factory to change something, sometimes the plant would have to stop as well. Remote systems, like MARGA, are affected in a different way. With this system, we can connect to the internet and measure the air pollution in Beijing, for example, and it's left unmonitored for up to four weeks. Any issues will impact the measurements, and someone will have to fly over and see what's going on, costing time and money."
The challenge: MARGA's complex heatsink
Guaranteeing this control and robustness is understandably difficult, and it is always a core focus for Dirk and his team throughout the development cycle. When working on the prototypes for MARGA — the air pollution system Dirk mentioned — it was difficult to meet Metrohm Applikon’s high standards.
“This system works by sending steam into the main chamber. As air is sucked in from outside, it hits that steam, which traps the particles,” Dirk illustrates. “Water droplets then form with those particles inside, which drop into the special liquid below. We can then take that sample to an analysis station to measure what is in the air.

“But with our initial model, we had some issues. The metal heat coil, for example, was large, heavy, and not that effective. Sometimes, we would see water droplets enter the system rather than steam or have visible droplets within the steam that it produced, something we want to avoid.”
Another challenge came in manufacturing the instrument itself, as the Metrohm Applikon team produced components like the metal coils by hand. They would wind the metal as tightly as possible using a turning machine, lining it up as they went, then attempt to drill a long hole of 1.5 mm all the way through another piece. They also had to produce and later combine each individual part, such as brackets, guides, and cooling channels. It made consistency almost impossible to achieve, as well as using a lot of material.
“Every instrument we made was different from the last. The quality wasn’t constant. I wanted to make something more compact, with better quality all the time.”
Redesigning for metal 3D printing
3D printing was the obvious choice to address many of these issues. Using 3D modeling software, Dirk and his team took full advantage of the technology’s design freedom to produce a series of prototypes — and later end-use parts — at Materialise’s state-of-the-art Metal Competence Center in Bremen. With an experienced Design & Engineering team and dedicated production lines, this facility enables partners like Metrohm Applikon to harness the agility and efficiency of metal 3D printing for both prototyping and series production.
“With 3D printing, I really saw the benefits of reducing the wall thickness by printing the coils into each other,” Dirk recalls. “If we were to wind the steel like this by hand, the coils would sit on top of themselves. You’d have twice the wall thickness. This design makes the part much more compact, produces much better steam, and uses less power.”
This freedom also allowed Dirk to add new elements to his design. He could now build in parts that he once produced individually, eliminating the need for further post-processing or assembly. Doing so even added a new level of functionality that would not be possible with any other manufacturing method.
“It began when we got some extra requirements about the fuse. I thought I could also incorporate the temperature sensor and grounding connection into this piece and hold the cable with a strain relief,” Dirk tells us. “After that, I thought about potting it, adding a saddle for an O ring, and making some sort of hose barb shape so the tube wouldn’t come off so easily.
“Working with stainless steel helped us add these extra functions. In this clamp, it’s so thin that you can bend it around a cable with a pair of pliers. We could also make the tubes incredibly thin, around 0.5 mm, and add a different material to make sure nothing short circuits.”

Choosing the right material
However, it wasn’t just the printability of stainless steel 316L that drove Dirk to work with this material. Choosing the right option began by understanding both the requirements of the instrument he was building and the characteristics of the metal itself. Dirk’s team works closely with chemical specialists who guide them in the right direction for each application.
It's an important role given the nature of these tools. The instruments are often exposed to very harsh environments where metals are rarely suitable. For this particular part, however, stainless steel was an ideal option as it offers the properties Metrohm Applikon requires and has no risk of contaminating the liquid within the tool.
“This new heatsink is three or four times smaller, it’s easier to make, and it’s more compact. Production is reliable and repeatable, so we get the same quality across every unit.”
More compact, less complex
Needless to say, the updated design brings a lot of benefits to both Metrohm Applikon and their customers. It requires less material, saves a lot of time in production, post-processing, and assembly, and allows printing on demand. Unit costs of the steaming module fell by almost 19%, for example, and with the team now producing around 25 units per year, these savings quickly add up.
But beyond the design and cost-saving benefits, the most noticeable gain is in the system’s performance. Dirk wanted quality, and that’s exactly what he got.
“Our previous model was inconsistent. Users had to use more power to make steam, or they had to lower the pump speed. They had to tune it all the time. It was really troublesome.
“This new heatsink is three or four times smaller, it’s easier to make, and it’s more compact — and the performance is there. We need less water. We have better steam quality, and it doesn't form drops. It's more robust, it’s safer, we use less material, and production is reliable and repeatable, so we get the same quality across every unit.”
A strong relationship
As with any production method, 3D printing needs to make sense for the application, and Dirk and his team have mastered the art of application spotting. They understand when and where the technology brings value, and they're happy with their working relationship with Materialise.
“We have some printers of our own that we use for the early stages,” he tells us. “But when we want 3D printing for production or when we want to produce a series, Materialise is a good match. We like the quality and the communication. As long as Materialise continues using state-of-the-art materials and machines, I’m sure it’ll stay that way.”
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This case study in a few words
- Machinery and equipment
- High-precision analysis instruments
- Metal 3D printing
- Design for additive manufacturing
- Stainless steel 316L
- Metal Competence Center, Bremen
- Unmatched design freedom
- Built-in functionality
- Reduced production, post-processing, and assembly time
- Smaller, less complex, and better quality parts