About this event
Discover how to make a difference in your business with Materialise’s software solutions at AMUG: a conference designed by AM users, for AM users. Schedule a meeting with our team at booth 82 in salon D to discover how you can improve lead time, production quality, and ROI with our Pre-Print and AM Digital Factory Software solutions.
Why attend?
- Learn how you can turn complexity into simplicity with our Pre-Print AM Software solutions
- Discover what’s new in Magics, the industry’s leading data and build preparation software
- See how automation with e-Stage for Metal+ and the Magics software development kit can boost your AM productivity
- Learn how to plan, control, and optimize every workflow in your AM operations with our CO-AM Software Platform
- Discover how to drive productivity by capitalizing on data insights with our AM Digital Factory Software
- Hear about our latest product launches and what benefits they bring to your production
Our product demos

Meet your future software tools
標準のBuild Processorを当社のサポートで設定するか、Build Processorソフトウェア開発キットを使用して独自に開発・カスタマイズすることが可能です。
AMプロセス全体を計画・管理して、 処理能力の向上、生産能力の最適化、オペレーション全体の完全な可視化を実現します。