Mass Customization
Offer truly personalized products and create unique customer experiences
The customer is always right — with 3D printing’s potential to make mass customization scaleable and economically viable, you can ensure every product is right for them, from tailor-made solutions to small series production. Take advantage of our knowledge to integrate reliable, repeatable, and fully digital workflows from scan to print and automate your design and order flow.

Why choose 3D printing?
Automated customization from scan to print
With a digital workflow that includes design automation and optimized printing processes, you can take advantage of seamless, automated mass customization from start to finish. By digitalizing manual processes, you’ll break down barriers to entry, lower the cost of innovation, and make your production reliable, repeatable, and faster than ever.
Revolutionize your product strategy
Thanks to unmatched design freedom, innovation is the backbone of 3D printing. With the benefits of this technology, you can diversify your product line, reach into untapped markets, and bolster your market share by creating complex, innovative products that cater to the individual consumer.
Lean manufacture: series of one
With 3D printing, mass customization becomes an entirely digital process — you can print on demand or in short production runs with no minimum order quantity or set-up costs. While too costly through traditional manufacturing methods, 3D printing makes mass customization lean and affordable.
Tailor-made designs
One-size-fits-all really fits no one. With the design freedom of 3D printing, you can design and create products that offer your customers what they want and need — personalized to their tastes, current trends, and even their anatomy.
Our services for mass customization
Ready to start your project with us? Discover our services, ideal for your application.
당사 전문가와 협력하여 제조를 혁신하고 가속화하십시오. 모든 산업 및 애플리케이션에 적합한 당사의 전체 범위의 사내 기술에 의존하십시오.
Transform your product development cycle and get the best possible products to market faster. Get unbiased advice and dedicated support from teams committed to your success.
당사 전문가와 협력하여 비즈니스 과제를 3D 프린팅 기회로 전환하고 요구 사항을 충족하는 데 도움이 될 수 있는 응용 프로그램을 식별합니다.
Build your success on a platform of software tools that efficiently manage and control the 3D printing process, allowing you to meet the highest standards of the most demanding industries.
Mass customization success stories
Discover how additive manufacturing helped these companies make a difference through mass customization.

Get inspired for your next project by looking at how others have benefited from mass customization through 3D printing.