General guidlines

Guidelines for smoothing

To achieve a smooth finish, your part is put into a tumbler with small stones that vibrate at a high frequency to smooth the part’s surface.

Guidelines for sealing

For sealing, we post-process your part with an aqueous solution to fill the small pores and close the outer surface or skin. Depending on the design, the sealing solution is manually applied or through dipping.

Specifiche tecniche

Dimensioni massime del pezzo

630 x 330 x 550 mm

Precisione standard

±0,3% (con limite inferiore pari a ±0,3 mm)

Spessore del layer di stampa

0,12 mm

Spessore minimo della parete

1 mm

Dimensione minima del dettaglio

0,3 mm

Pezzi mobili o collegati

Canali interni

Struttura della superficie

Struttura granulare