Medical 3D Players: Behind the Doors of a Double Hand and Face Transplant

Discussing mass personalization in healthcare — because one size fits no one


Discussing mass personalization in healthcare — because one size fits no one. Uncover the latest medical advancements and challenges in 3D technology. Hosted by Pieter Slagmolen and Sebastian De Boodt from Materialise, this podcast examines key developments with experts in the healthcare industry. 

Face transplants may sound like they only have lasting benefits for one person — the patient receiving a new face. But speaking with Alyssa Glennon in this episode, we learn about the key insights and discoveries from the surgery that have benefits in many areas of medicine.  


Alyssa Glennon

Clinical Engineer, Materialise

About your hosts

Pieter Slagmolen

Innovation Manager

Sebastian De Boodt

Market Director, Materialise

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