Materialise AI Assistant Plugin
AI research is often hindered by the tedious process of creating training data sets, and it is not always easy to make your algorithms accessible to the end-user. With AI Assistant plugin options — AI Data Management and AI Data Evaluation — you can streamline your processes and create an AI model with a bigger impact.
This plugin is part of a scripting module and is compatible with Mimics Research 24 onwards.

Plugin options
AI Data Management
Efficiently ensure that your training data set is consistently labeled and correctly prepared to train your AI algorithm
AI Data Evaluation
Easily compare the results of your AI algorithm with the ground truth data using the most common quality metrics
Why choose AI Assistant?
Make your AI model accessible in Mimics
Streamline the integration of your AI segmentation models into Mimics, using the template script
See the plugin in action
Plugins are not available in Canada, Brazil, Singapore, or Australia for medical use. The Mimics Medical version currently available in China, Korea, and Taiwan is not compatible with plugins.
Materialise medical device software may not be available in all markets because product availability is subject to the regulatory and/ or medical practices in individual markets. In countries where no regulatory registration is obtained of Mimics and/or 3-matic Medical, a research version is available. Please contact your Materialise representative if you have questions about the availability of Materialise medical device software in your area.