Anatomical Analysis

One size fits nobody. Understanding the anatomical variability of the target population is a critical success factor for R&D. This spans from the many off-the-shelf medical device designs to understanding treatment options and evaluating implant fit. Materialise Mimics provides all the tools you need to conduct efficient and reliable analyses, even on large batches of CT or MRI scans.

Digital image of anatomy with distance markings between various points

Why perform anatomical measurements?

Understand the population

Study new treatment options

Evaluate implant fit

Accelerate the design process

Mimics enables you to:

  • Create a 3D model quickly through automatic segmentation
  • Perform advanced 3D measurements with our wide range of tools
  • Simulate cuts and implant placement to assess fit
  • Understand anatomical movement thanks to 4D imaging and multi-stack
  • Summarize complex 3D anatomical variations with statistical shape modeling
  • Analyze large batches of data efficiently and consistently through scripting


Discover how others are using anatomical analysis:


Materialise medical device software may not be available in all markets because product availability is subject to the regulatory and/ or medical practices in individual markets. In countries where no regulatory registration is obtained of Mimics and/or 3-matic Medical, a research version is available. Please contact your Materialise representative if you have questions about the availability of Materialise medical device software in your area.