TMJ Total Arthroplasty

Precision, personalization, and proven outcomes

Provide better patient outcomes, including significant pain relief and improved jaw function, with personalized solutions tailored to temporomandibular joint (TMJ) arthroplasty. The TMJ Total Arthroplasty System combines all the necessary tools to support surgical excellence from plan to operation.

Side view of the bottom of a skull with personalized implants attached to the jaw


Exceptional support

Proven clinical performance

The highest quality standards

A comprehensive portfolio

Fast delivery

What's included?

Visual displaying the different components of the TMJ Total Arthroplasty System, including the mandibular guide, available in both polyamide and titanium, the temporal guide, available in both polyamide and titanium, the temporal trial implant, and the Standard+ Solutions PSI TMJ Module of screws. The implant is displayed on a transparent skull model.

The complete system

Side view of a skull with personalized implants attached to the jaw

The personalized TMJ implant

A skull with 3D-printed surgical guides shown on it and along side it.

The guides​

A surgeon wearing Microsoft Hololens augmented reality glasses and interacting with a virtual model of a patient's skull with a 3D-printed TMJ implant. The Mimics branded blue swirl is flowing around the model.

The digital surgical workflow

The biggest advantage of personalized TMJ implants is precision. Standard implants require significant intraoperative adjustments, which increases the procedure's complexity and introduces variability. Personalized implants, on the other hand, are designed to match the patient’s anatomy exactly. This eliminates the guesswork during surgery and ensures better outcomes.

Dr. Daniel G. E. Thiem, Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Facial Plastic Surgery, Johannes Gutenberg University of Mainz, Germany
Dr. Daniel ThiemCMF Specialist, Johannes Gutenberg University of Mainz

Personalization leads to an improved fit and, therefore, improved precision.

Headshot of Dr. Thomas Kofod, Chair of the Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery at the Rigshospital in Denmark
Dr. Thomas KofodChair of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Rigshospitalet

Once you have used the titanium guides, you will never go back. You get the guides perfectly fitting for mandible SSO, genoplasty, the condylar resection on left side, and the preparation of the fossa on the left side.

PD Dr. Dr. Rüdiger Zimmerer, Senior Consultant and Deputy Director, Department of Oral, Maxillofacial, and Plastic Facial Surgery, University Hospital Tübingen
Dr. Rüdiger ZimmererSenior Consultant, University Hospital Tübingen

The foremost advantage lies in the impeccable fit of the implant — it fits perfectly. This leads to enhanced stability. Additionally, this approach reduces operation time, which enables us to streamline procedures and achieve efficient outcomes.

Dr. Laurence May,  CMF surgeon
Dr. Laurence MayCMF Surgeon, Le Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois (CHUV)


1. Patient scan
Upload the patient’s (CB)CT scan and dental information to Mimics Flow.

2. Interactive planning
A clinical engineer contacts you to participate in an interactive online planning session to define the surgical plan.

3. Design approval
Review the surgical plan and device design online in 3D with the Mimics Viewer.

4. Manufacturing
Your personalized TMJ implants are manufactured within our certified quality management system.

5. Surgery
Use the delivered implants and instruments in surgery to reach accurate and predictable results.


Discover how others are benefiting from our CMF solutions. 

Other indications for cranio-maxillofacial

Icon of a face with the brain highlighted


Personalized porous implants are designed and developed with you by Materialise engineers, tailored to be a perfect match for your patient’s anatomy.

Icon of a face with a bandage on the cheek

Trauma surgery

Personalized solutions for various conditions, including primary orbital trauma, complex orbital wall and zygoma fractures, and large bone defects.

Icon highlighting the nose area of a face

Reconstructive surgery

Personalized guides for harvesting bone fragments at exactly the right size and angle and for resecting tumors at the correct location. Personalized plates and the appropriate screws for precise reconstruction.

Icon highlighting the jaw

Orthognathic surgery

A range of fully personalized solutions dedicated to orthognathic surgery, including orthognathic splints and 3D-printed surgical guides and implants to address your needs for even the most complex cases.


This content is intended for healthcare professionals only